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Dr. Mahinder Watsa's sex Q&A
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I am a 25-year-old man. I have never had sex but I masturbate regularly. My foreskin is tight. During erection, I’m unable to pull it back. Will this reduce pleasure or cause pain during sex? Is there a way out other than circumcision?

It can cause pain during intercourse. It’s best to visit a surgeon for further advice.
Categories: Masturbation, Body issues

I am a married man and my fetish is to lick my wife’s butt even though we don’t perform anal sex. I’m addicted to the habit. We don’t suffer from infections and are faithful to each other. Will indulging this on a regular basis be harmful, and what precautions should we be taking?

The abdomen carries several germs which can trigger an infection, and some serious ones. If you must, take your chance after making sure the anal passage is thoroughly cleaned with water and soap.
Categories: Sexually transmitted diseases, Play and experimentation

Is it possible for a person to love two people, at the same time, equally? I love my husband and have a happy life with him and our kids. But I’m also in love with another man with whom I’ve been in an affair for long. We decided to end the relationship because I could not end the marriage. But I miss him terribly, and he misses me too. Is it possible to have both men in my life?

As the saying goes, ‘if wishes were horses, beggars would ride’. You have made the right decision, so stick to it.
Categories: Sexual feelings, Play and experimentation

I have been masturbating for 10 years. I got married to my girlfriend of eight years. Before that, we’d have occasional sex and enjoy it. Now, I’m facing erection problems. Even after prolonged foreplay, the erection isn’t strong. I am unable to satisfy my wife. What should I do?

You need to visit a sexpert for detailed advice. In the meantime, continue with prolonged foreplay so that she is able to achieve her orgasm before you penetrate her.
Categories: Foreplay, Masturbation, Erectile dysfunction

I am gay and have been enjoying anal sex for 10 years. But recently, I have been facing fissure problems (break or tear in the skin of the anal canal). What should I do?

A surgeon can advise you regarding fissures since they take a long time to heal. Think of alternative ways of satisfying yourself.
Categories: Pain/discomfort, Play and experimentation

I am 25 years old and have been in a relationship for six years. Does an emergency contraceptive pill have negative effects if consumed for more than five years (once or twice a month). I plan to have a baby in future.

Emergency pills contain high doses of progesterone, but I do not think it will affect your fertility in the future. But I’d suggest you stick to a condom.
Categories: Pregnancy, iPill
